Bougainville Fund Management, LLC is an investment advisory and management organization formed in 2015 to make and manage investments in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (“Bougainville”), currently a self-governing unit of Papua New Guinea (“PNG”).
Bougainville is an island archipelago located in the Melanesian region of the South Pacific. A tropical paradise, if undeveloped, Bougainville today is endowed with two gifts enjoyed by few—if any—places on earth: 1) it sits astride more than $150 billion of gold and other precious metal reserves; and 2) it has a constitutional right to vote for its independence on June 15, 2019, and is widely expected to do so, potentially making it the newest nation on earth.
The Company’s initial investments involve alluvial gold, both dealing in it and mining it. However, the Company also expects to invest in a diversified basket of opportunities typical of a rapidly growing mining economy, hopefully allowing us to:
Do Well and Do Good